I'm still working on the rather large 3D piece and, truthfully, I've been a bit lethargic the last couple of days. Hence, my sparse uploading. So today as I was watching the 2020 Scope Art Show on YouTube, I scribbled a drawing on a 3 by 3 sticky pad I had lying about. The first one, believe it or not, is the little guy top left. Oh, I left something important out. I didn't look at the drawing as I was producing it; I kept my eyes on the video. It was so riveting. Nah. SOS. Yes, some were pretty bad but these weren't so awful and as I didn't have anything else 'current' to upload I figured this would be my April Fool's Day prank. It was interesting that I could mentally visualize what my hand was doing after several. So these are each 3 by 3 inches on regular bond paper and some tangible examples of Original Jones Art that suggests that either he doesn't know what he's doing here in northwest Austin, Texas, or he's so adept at drawing, the damn things almost draw themselves.
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