Free roaming. It used to refer to chickens who didn't spend the entirety of their short lives in cramped cages with their brothers and sisters. Now it can refer to folks who run around with their rectangular electronic addictions with which they seldom truly communicate. Or to game-playing folk with larger rectangles who are just as addicted. I remember the day I gave up on-line game playing. I had just logged off after around four hours of playing Halo with my clan. I was exhausted and should have been in bed hours earlier. And what did I have to show for those four hours? Nothing, nada, nichts. It was then that I decided to dedicate myself to my artwork. That was the fall of 2012. This is a 6 by 4.5 inches gel pen with color pencil drawing on medium bond acid-free paper. Original Jones Art is nothing if not dedicated in northwest Austin, Texas.


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Free Roaming