Evolution that varies in accordance with the variation of some standard. Trouble is, there doesn't appear to be a standard with which to calculate change. It is insidious, unrelenting and doesn't appear to play by the rules. Now some folks call this progress and some folks, like Mark Mothersbaugh, calls it de-evolution. Whatever it is, it's giving us an ever widening gap between the haves and have-nots. And as the population of earth increases, there are more and more of us humans who get by with little and even that will eventually become less. I don't know what the solution is. Humans have a tendency to hug complacency as though it were a security blanket and they were still two-year-old's. This is a 6 by 4.5 inches gel pen drawing with color pencil. It's not your average image but neither is it a complacent one by Original Jones Art as he asks for change but gets a quarter instead in northwest Austin, Texas.


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Evolution On A Sliding Scale