I guess you could call it an aura or life force. But many times it's more a feeling than something seen even though there are those who say auras have different colors. I'm not really of that school. But you and I have met folks who we trusted or felt good about almost from the get-go. And we've met others who gave off 'a negative vibe.' If there were classes in learning how to 'see' and interpret auras, we'd be a happier race. Too many of us believe the hype or make a judgement call because the person is attractive, as in handsome or pretty. I can tell you from experience that can lead one down a dark and dangerous road. So where is this leading? Well, I wished you hadn't asked that. This is a 6 by 4.5 inches gel pen with color pencil drawing on medium bond paper and an early November example of Original Jones Art as he wonders what the blankety he radiates here in northwest Austin, Texas.


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People Radiate