Feeling anxiety or concern; unsettled. That's the definition. There was something about the mouth of this character that made that an apt title. As a side note, when I was a kid my parents received The Reader's Digest on a regular basis. My two favorite sections were 'My Most Unforgettable Character" and a section geared to increase your 'word power.' You could say that section permanently instilled in yours-truly an appreciation of the power of words. Needless to say, my HS English teacher loved me; and I her. I am perturbed at how we've dumbed down our vocabulary on TV, in movies, etc., to approximately a 6th grade level. And I'm probably insulting some 11 year-olds. Are they doing this in popular novels too, I wonder? That's what dictionaries are for, you know. This is a 6 by 4.5 inches gel pen with color pencil drawing on medium bond paper. Original Jones Art is now stepping down from the soapbox in northwest Austin, Texas.


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