

JUN 28 2007

The gel pen is relatively new to us. I'm thinking its been prevalent for around a decade plus now. It makes an ideal drawing medium as it is acid-free and extremely fade-resistant. Tests have been made under extreme heat-light conditions and it was unclear whether the ink changed or the paper deterioated. But the average estimate by testers is that it will last at least 100 years without noticeable fading.

I use gel pens exclusively now and have since the late nineties. I like the way I can achieve a layered look without a lot of effort. But not all gel pens are created equal. Some of them dry out quickly or the medium bunches up at the tip. Two pens I bought less than a month ago have had their balls disintegrate already. And cost per pen is no indicator of either longevity or worth as a drawing instrument.

So buying a gel pen is a lot like buying a good paintbrush---when you find a good one, you hate it when it wears out. :)

MAY 16 2007

Now that I've gone "Premium," I am in the process of sub-catagorizing images as well as perusing my portfolios for suitable and, hopefully, entertaining pieces to upload.

I don't usually do 'requests' because of the nature of my creative process, but I hope that my work 'as is' will find a receptive audience. I like the fact that people from all over the globe will have an opportunity to see work that would, for the most part, languish in closeted portfolios if not for this venue.

Please feel free to e-mail me if you are interested in chatting about art or if you feel you have comments that are too long or might be deemed inappropriate for public viewing. I am attempting to break free of my usually reclusive nature and I find that an exchange of ideas, if literate and heartfelt, is a solid and welcome stepping stone to that end. ;) --Charles